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How to Brush Cats Teeth


As responsible cat owners, we do all we can to make sure our cats are healthy and happy; however, we often overlook a very important component of overall health: their teeth! If you are wondering if you need to brush your cat’s teeth, or how to brush cat’s teeth, you are in the right place!

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In the wild, cats would normally hunt and kill rodents, or other small animals and feast on all parts of their prey. That prey's bones naturally would help them to scale any tartar off their teeth. Our domesticated feline friends no longer inhabit this lifestyle, so we have to step in and replace it with the next best thing- brushing their teeth.

Why is it so important to implement this into your routine with your cat? Apart from halitosis (bad breath), dental health can cause oral pain, discomfort, and even more severe issues, such as bacteria entering the bloodstream and causing harmful issues with vital organs. Once these issues start to set in, your cat could have trouble eating, and grooming. The good news is- brushing your cat's teeth can play a vital role in promoting their overall health and longevity.

Just like humans, cats can suffer from dental issues, including plaque buildup, gum disease, and even tooth loss. The time is now to learn how to brush cats' teeth! These problems not only cause discomfort and pain but also pave the way for more severe health complications. Neglecting dental hygiene may lead to bacteria entering the bloodstream, potentially impacting vital organs such as the heart, kidneys, and liver. Thus, brushing your cat's teeth plays a vital role in promoting their health and wellbeing.

All cats are different, and some will easily allow you to brush their teeth. One of my cats will allow it, the other has a much shorter window of tolerance! I would recommend starting with some pet toothpaste on your finger, and get them used to that. Remember that human toothpaste contains fluoride, and should never be used with any pets. Fluoride is toxic to pets and products containing fluoride should always be stored out of reach of any pets. Make sure to include treats into their dental regimen, too! Each day, work up to having them allow you to touch their mouth, and reward them with a treat once they do so. Eventually, you should be able to hold them still and use your finger with toothpaste to gently rub onto their teeth and gum line. Make sure you get all the way to the back! There are special cat toothbrushes that are long, but thin, to help you reach all the way to those back teeth.

Some cats are more sensitive than others and will not allow you near their mouth at all. If this is the case, try adding in dental chews or treats to help them scale off any plaque on their teeth. Dental wipes are another option that have a rough surface to better clean teeth. You could also try Silvervine sticks, which cats can safely chew on. Ask your vet before adding any new toys, treats, or supplements first! Brushing daily is best, but as often as you can is better than never!

Without proper dental care, cats are susceptible to developing periodontal disease – an infection of the structures surrounding the teeth. As the disease progresses, cats may experience pain, difficulty eating, inflamed gums, tooth loss, and other oral complications that impact their overall quality of life. We hope this has inspired you to try this with your cat. If you're just getting started, we’ve included some of our favorite dental products below!

Toothbrush Set: Enzadent Poultry Flavor Toothbrush Kit (my two cats love the flavor of this one!)

Silvervine Sticks: Natural Silvervine Sticks


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