Cats are fascinating creatures. There are so many rumors out there about cats being aloof, independent, and not needing much social interaction. Cats certainly have varied personalities on a broad spectrum from very social, to more timid. Cats can be the most loving, and fun additions to a family, especially for those who know how to bond with them. Have you recently adopted a new cat? Do you need some of their cat behavior explained? In this article, we'll explore some of the ways to understand your cat better, and effectively strengthen the bond you have with your cat.
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Before diving in, it's crucial to understand that bonding with a cat takes time and patience. We must first understand them. It is essential to work on developing trust and respect before building a lasting connection with your cat. Here are some tips on how to achieve that:
1. Cat behavior explained!
I was listening to an informative video today on cat behavior and communication (intra-cat communication, if you will), and how they rarely ever even make noise when "communicating" with one another. Noise could mean a threat, or to be found out by a predator! (If you are interested this is what I was listening to today!) Cats communicate in their own language. They communicate with each other in a much different way than they communicate with humans. Understanding their body language can help create a stronger bond. For example, when your cat exposes its belly, it may seem like an invitation to a belly rub, but that is not always the case. Most cats expose their bellies when they are comfortable and relaxed. This is a good thing! We want them to be this way around us. It is important to always slowly approach cats and read the signs to tell if they would like to interact with us or not. Slow blinking, tells us that they are relaxed and content. If they are swishing their tail, they may be in a playful mood. If they are purring, this is the ultimate compliment from our cats that they are over the moon happy to be interacting with us!
2. Respect your cat's boundaries
Like any living creature, cats need space and alone time. Allow your cat to come to you, and if it seems like it needs a break, respect that. Don't force interactions, especially during feeding times or when your cat is sleeping.
3. Spend time with your cat
Create bonding experiences with your cat. You can plan play sessions, grooming time, and cuddle time to develop trust and a sense of security. Additionally, catnip is an excellent way to create bonding experiences with your cat. When playing with your cat, ensure that you have cat toys that are interactive. On a budget? No problem! There are lots of budget-friendly, and safe options around your house for your cat to enjoy. Cats love empty boxes, a towel or blanket to hide under, or a tall bar stool to jump up on. You could even create an obstacle course if you have a spare room! Check out this link for our favorite cat toys for exercise under $20!
4. Learn to communicate with your cat
Cats have different types of vocalizations. Some meows indicate that they need attention, while others indicate a health problem. Pay attention to your cat's vocalizations and understand their meaning. It can help improve communication, leading to a stronger bond. Cats don’t usually meow for no reason. They are either telling us they are hungry, want to play, happy, or need attention.
5. Train your cat
It's common knowledge that dogs are trainable, but did you know that cats are too? Training your cat to do simple tasks can strengthen your bond. Training is a positive experience that encourages teamwork and positive reinforcement. Clicker training is a good example of positive reinforcement and this can often help to deter them from bad habits such as jumping on counters, tables, or other places that you do not want your cat hanging out. We love this one from Amazon which you will see us using on our Instagram. It comes with a free training book and free 30 day trial of The Cat School subscription!!
6. Create a cat-friendly environment
Creating a cat-friendly environment goes beyond setting up a litter box. The rule is that the number of litter boxes in a household should be (number of cats plus one). In a two cat household, there should be at LEAST 3 litter boxes that are accessible to all cats at all times. The litter box should be cleaned at least once or twice per day. I like to think of it as flushing the toilet… do you like going a dirty toilet? No one does! Find out which litter box is our favorite, in our article here! Cats also need vertical space, which means places that are high-up and will give them an aerial view. Cats are known for their love for high places. Invest in cat trees and scratch posts to create more comfortable living conditions for your feline. If cats are scratching couches or other furniture, deter them from this behavior by placing a scratching board or post right near where they like to scratch. Scratching is relaxing for them, and is a necessity for them. In addition, they should always have fresh water, and you can provide it to them in bowls, mugs or cups, or even a fountain. Remember to never hit, yell at, or spray your cats. This will cause them to learn to be fearful of you. Lastly, invest in a comfortable bed where your cat can sleep where they will not be disturbed by other pets or family members.
7. Respect your cat's preferences
Cats have different personalities. Some want to be around you all the time, others need their space. It can be a really enjoyable experience getting to know your pet. Even if they are from the same litter, cats will have different preferences for food, treats, toys, playtime, and even a human that they love spending time with the most.
We hope these tips have been helpful in creating a stronger bond between you and your cat! The benefits of taking the time will pay back in dividends! If you have any questions, send us a message on our Instagram!